AIBS has provided testimony to the House and Senate Appropriations Committees urging Congress to provide the National Science Foundation with at least $11.9 billion in fiscal year 2025.
AIBS has provided testimony to the House Appropriations Committee urging Congress to provide the National Institutes of Health with a base budget of at least $51.3 billion in fiscal year (FY) 2025.
AIBS has endorsed a community letter urging congressional appropriators to support increased funding for the Environmental Protection Agency’s Science and Technology account in fiscal year 2025.
AIBS and other members of Friends of NOAA have urged congressional appropriators to provide robust funding for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in fiscal year 2025.
AIBS joined 48 other stakeholder groups in urging House and Senate appropriators to provide robust funding for agricultural research in fiscal year (FY) 2025.
AIBS joined the American Society for Microbiology and 26 other scientific organizations in sending a letter to House and Senate appropriators urging robust funding for the Advanced Molecular Detection program at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
AIBS has signed on to letters supporting increased funding for the Agricultural Research Service, the Agricultural and Food Research Initiative, as well as Agriculture Advanced Research and Development Authority in FY 2025.
The Coalition for National Science Funding (CNSF), of which AIBS is a member, has called on House and Senate appropriators to provide at least $11.9 billion for the National Science Foundation in fiscal year 2025.
AIBS has sent a letter to Duke University leadership in response to reports about the closure of their herbarium due to a change in funding priorities.
AIBS has signed on to a community letter urging appropriators to provide boosted funding to the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases.