announcements · Feb 21, 2020
AIBS Member Donates $13,000 to Support Graduate Student Leadership
An American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) member has anonymously donated $13,000 to help endow the AIBS Emerging Public Policy Leadership Award program. The award recognizes graduate students who demonstrate outstanding leadership potential at the intersection of biology and science policy.
events · Feb 12, 2020
Life Finds A Way - An Overview of the Nagoya Protocol from the U.S. Government
AIBS has announced a new webinar, Life Finds A Way - An Overview of the Nagoya Protocol from the U.S. Government, which will take place February 27, 2020 at 1:30pm ET.
peer-review · Aug 01, 2019
AIBS Examines Peer Reviewer Levels of Participation and Motivations
AIBS published findings from an analysis of scientist participation levels in the grant peer review process, as well as their motivations to do so. These results, generated from a survey sent to over 13,000 scientists, show that while 76% of respondents participated in the peer review of research applications, an uneven distribution of participation was found across this sample, with a sub-set of reviewers shouldering higher review loads (the top 10% reviewing 3 times the amount of the bottom 40% of respondents). This sub-set was estimated to be close to maximum capacity in terms of review availability, highlighting concerns about the sustainability of the peer review system. However, most reviewer respondents indicated that participating in peer review has positively affected their careers, and that giving back to the scientific community is the most important motivation for reviewing.
peer-review · Feb 27, 2019
AIBS Client, Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, Publishes on Gender Bias in Research Funding
The Doris Duke Charitable Foundation (DDCF), a client of the AIBS Scientific Peer Advisory and Review Services, has recently published a correspondence article examining potential sources of gender bias in grant selection processes and what can be done to improve gender equity.

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peer-review · Nov 20, 2018
AIBS Presents at the Health Research Alliance Members Meeting
AIBS presented results from recent retrospective studies at the Health Research Alliance (HRA) Members Meeting.
peer-review · Oct 05, 2018
Congratulations to Dr. Arnold, 2018 Nobel Prize in Chemistry Recipient
The American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) extends its congratulations to Dr. Frances H. Arnold, a recipient of the 2018 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Dr. Arnold has previously participated on a peer review panel that AIBS organized on behalf of the Department of Defense to assess a funded research program.
peer-review · Aug 24, 2018
Validity of Peer Review Evaluated by AIBS
The American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) has just published a literature review summarizing results of empirical tests on the validity of peer review decisions using impact measures of investigator output.
peer-review · Aug 24, 2018
Does Application Peer Review Disagreement Lead to Higher Citation Levels? AIBS Publication Investigates
The American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) has recently published findings in the journal F100 on research it conducted in collaboration with the Queensland University of Technology to assess whether contentious funding applications (possibly higher risk) resulted in a higher return on investment (higher reward). We examined the scoring from 227 funded applications and their eventual relative citation impact.
peer-review · Feb 26, 2018
AIBS Studies Perceptions of Risk Evaluation in Grant Peer Review by Applicants and Reviewers
The American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) has published findings from research it conducted on reviewer and applicant perceptions of criteria usage and risk evaluation in grant peer review.