Founded in 1947, in 2022 AIBS celebrates its 75th anniversary

We're stronger together

If you're interested in elevating biologists and biology, we have ways you can help.

We hope you'll be as satisfied supporting our initiatives as we are executing them. Credit: Ravi Roshan

A small semi-transparent triangle for visual interest
Alone we can do so little...

Together we can do so much

For 78 years we've supported biologists and biology, and connected science organizations.

We'd like to match your interests with our important initiatives.

Who we are & how you can help

Founded in 1947, today AIBS is a nonprofit (EIN 53-0220853) with 98 member organizations, and we work to promote the use of science to inform decision making for the advancement of the biological sciences and society. In addition, we also publish the peer-reviewed journal BioScience, provide scientific peer-review and advisory services, and collaborate with others to advance public policy, education, and the public understanding of science.

Evidence-based decisions are crucial to advancing all life on Earth – we are here to help provide and promote them.

Public Policy Initiatives

AIBS advocates for public policy that advances biology and serves the needs of researchers, educators, and other biological science professionals. Our programs enable scientists to play an active role in the policymaking process:

Your tax-deductible donation will help AIBS inform policymakers to ensure their decisions are based on sound science and are responsive to the needs of the scientific community.

Support our Public Policy Initiatives

Science of Peer Review Initiatives

AIBS serves as a center of excellence and leader in studying how the research funding process (particularly peer review) affects scientific outcomes, and how we can reduce bias, maximize innovation, and streamline efficiencies to promote the best science in the most equitable and effective way.

Donations to this initiative support this important line of research and the communication of our findings to policymakers and the public.

Support our Science of Peer Review Initiatives

Faces of Biology Photo Contest

Since 2011, this contest has highlighted biologists at work, showing their fascinating careers in laboratories, in the field, as they educate incoming scientists, and more.

Donating helps others understand something you already do -- the process and value of biology and science. (If you're with an organization interested in becoming a contest sponsor, please write to us to learn more.)

Support our Faces of Biology Photo Contest

You can also give unrestricted to our general efforts

AIBS is committed to promoting the use of science to inform decisions that advance the biological sciences for the benefit of science and society. We need your support to help achieve our mission.

Every dollar matters. Please consider making a donation today.

Support our General Efforts

If you have further questions about matching our programs to your giving goals, let us know via our contact form, and select "Donations" for the department.
