Founded in 1947, in 2022 AIBS celebrates its 75th anniversary

"What news from the sea?"

The fish replied: "I have a lot to say, but my mouth is full of water." - Armenian proverb

The San Diego, California shoreline. Credit: Frank McKenna

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Bullet policy · Oct 11, 2021

Biden Administration Restores Migratory Bird Protections

The Department of the Interior has launched a new course of action to restore protections under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) and is inviting ideas to develop a new permit system that aims to protect migratory birds while authorizing some accidental bird deaths.
Bullet policy · Oct 11, 2021

Latest Public Policy Report

The Public Policy Report has been released. The report provides analysis and communication on important issues in the scientific community.

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Bullet events · Sep 29, 2021

Integrating Environmental Data Across Spatial Scales

The Association of Ecosystem Research Centers (AERC) will hold a virtual briefing on Integrating Environmental Data Across Spatial Scales that will integrate discussions on environmental justice.
Bullet policy · Sep 27, 2021

Latest Public Policy Report

The Public Policy Report has been released. The report provides analysis and communication on important issues in the scientific community.

Bullet policy · Sep 27, 2021

Congress Considers Stopgap Funding, Debt Ceiling Suspension

The House has passed a stopgap funding bill along party lines to keep the government operational at level-funding until December 3, 2021. The bill also includes a measure to suspend the U.S. debt ceiling through December 2022 and provide more than $26 billion in emergency aid for natural disasters.