Founded in 1947, in 2022 AIBS celebrates its 75th anniversary

"What news from the sea?"

The fish replied: "I have a lot to say, but my mouth is full of water." - Armenian proverb

The San Diego, California shoreline. Credit: Frank McKenna

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Bullet events, policy · May 28, 2024

Biological Sciences Congressional District Visits

Each year, the American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) organizes an opportunity for scientists to inform the nation’s science policy. The Biological Sciences Congressional District Visits event enables scientists to meet with their federal or state elected officials in their home state – not in Washington, DC – and allows policymakers to learn first-hand about the science and research facilities in their district.

“I am grateful for the experience, which has enriched my professional development. I am particularly pleased to think that we started a conversation with Rep. Joyce Beatty’s office that will continue in the future. I encourage everyone to reach out beyond their scientific community, which includes explaining your science to your district offices.”

-- Coralie Farinas, Graduate Student, Ohio State University

Biological Sciences Congressional District Visit

Biological Sciences Congressional District Visit

The Biological Sciences Congressional District Visits event is held during the summer and early fall each year. Meetings typically take place between mid-July and the end of October. Participating scientists can either meet with their elected officials at the local district office or may invite them to visit their research facility. Tours of research facilities are especially encouraged, as such visits provide lawmakers with a personal connection to the scientific activities taking place in their district.

AIBS will schedule the meetings with lawmakers and will prepare participants through online training and one-on-one support.

“We were able to share with Representative Veronica Escobar’s (D-TX) District Director what natural history collections were and how important federal funding was to museums like us. This program was a great first step to building a relationship with our local elected officials and to let them know what resources there are in the area.”

-- Dr. Vicky Zhuang, Biodiversity Collections Manager, University of Texas, El Paso

How to Participate

Please stay tuned for additional information on how to register for the 2025 event.

Need more information? Check out the Frequently Asked Questions.

Participant Handbook and additional resources can be accessed here.

Have questions? Contact us.

We Need Your Help!

AIBS is seeking organizational Sponsors and Supporters to help ensure the success of this event and to defray the costs of the training program and the preparation of materials.

  • For a $750 contribution, your organization will be listed as an event Sponsor on all promotional materials.
  • For a $500 contribution, your organization will be listed as an event Supporter.

Please help advance biology by becoming a Sponsor of the 15th Annual Biological Sciences Congressional District Visits event.

Click here to join us as a sponsor or contact us to learn more before you decide.

2024 Sponsors

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