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The fish replied: "I have a lot to say, but my mouth is full of water." - Armenian proverb

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Bullet awards, diversity · Oct 03, 2023

Nominate for the IDEAL Leadership Award

About the Award

The AIBS Inspiring Inclusivity, Diversity, Equity, Acceptance, and Learning (IDEAL) Leadership Award recognizes commendable leadership in advancing inclusion, diversity, equity, acceptance, accessibility, and learning in the biological sciences community.

Awards will be made at the discretion of the AIBS IDEA2 Committee which may choose one award, no award, or multiple awards in any one year.

Nomination Requirements

Anyone may submit a nomination for the IDEAL Award with the candidate’s permission. Self-nominations are accepted. Nominations must clearly document why the candidate should be considered, above all others, for this distinguished award.

Nominations must be complete and include the nominee’s curriculum vitae or resume(s). While a CV or resume provides the committee with a more comprehensive overview of the nominee’s accomplishments and experiences, it is not a substitute for any of the required information listed below. After reviewing the initial nomination submissions, the committee may request additional information in order to properly evaluate nominees under consideration.

Each nominee will be evaluated based on the following required criteria:

  • Leadership of IDEAL-related initiatives in the institution(s) or organization(s) where they have been or are employed
  • Leadership of IDEAL-related initiatives in AIBS
  • Leadership of IDEAL-related initiatives in the biological sciences

In addition, the committee will also look for evidence of tangible results in areas such as those included in the AIBS IDEA2 Committee’s approved plan.

Guidelines and Eligibility

  • This award is intended to be given annually. The award will be not be given more than once to the same individual.
  • Candidates must be or have been contributing members of our professional community, directly associated with IDEAL initiatives and individuals who have made significant and demonstrable contributions in the biological sciences.
  • Candidates may not be currently employees of the AIBS.
  • Anyone may submit nominations for the award.
  • Individuals are eligible for this award.

Unsure if the candidate you would like to nominate qualifies? Please reach out to us at and we will be happy to answer questions about the nominations process, guidelines, or eligibility.


Individual award recipients are recognized at the AIBS Annual Council meeting and receive complimentary registration to an AIBS Professional Development Training Course. Recipients are also given a $500 honorarium or the option of donating the amount to an AIBS Initiative. The awardee will be recognized during the Council meeting and will also have the opportunity to announce a future award winner. Highlights of awardee accomplishments are also added to the AIBS website.

We are no longer accepting submissions. Stay tuned for the announcement of the winner of the 2023 AIBS Inspiring Inspiring Inclusivity, Diversity, Equity, Acceptance, and Learning (IDEAL) Leadership Award.

Find out more about our commitment to increasing inclusion, diversity, equity, acceptance and accessibility (IDEA2) in the biological sciences.