The August 2022 issue of BioScience is now available on the Oxford University Press website.
Some articles you will see in this month’s issue:
- Learning On the Go
- Data Sovereignty in Community-Based Environmental Monitoring: Toward Equitable Environmental Data Governance
- Collections after Retirement: Addressing the Uncertain Fate of a Lifetime’s Work
- The AIBS IDEA Conference
- Systems in Flames: Dynamic Coproduction of Social–Ecological Processes
- The Olfactory Landscape Concept: A Key Source of Past, Present, and Future Information Driving Animal Movement and Decision-making
- Biotic Indicators for Ecological State Change in Amazonian Floodplains
- Rising from the Ashes: The Biogeographic Origins of Modern Coral Reef Fishes
- Returning to “Normal”? Evolutionary Roots of the Human Prospect
- Environmental Discourse Exhibits Consistency and Variation across Spatial Scales on Twitter