The AIBS Public Policy Office has released its annual report for 2021. Read about our achievements in science policy.
Highlights include:
- Helped 75 scientists become advocates for science.
- Endorsed and rallied support for legislation to make significant new investments in the National Science Foundation (NSF).
- Increased awareness of the needs of the biological sciences community by facilitating 64 meetings between scientists and lawmakers.
- Provided professional development training to 230 scientists.
- Provided recommendations to the White House on strengthening federal scientific integrity policies.
Provided comments to the Biden Administration on the scientific framework for the new Advanced Research Project Agency – Health (ARPA-H).
- Urged President Biden to champion legislation endorsed by AIBS to provide $25 billion in emergency relief funding for federal science agencies.
- Through an NSF-funded virtual workshop series, engaged the international scientific community in policy discussions about the application of access and benefit sharing principles to digital sequence information.
Called on the Biden Administration and Congress to provide visa assistance and other support to displaced Afghan scientists.
- Endorsed legislation aimed at scaling up efforts to track COVID-19 variants.
Read the 2021 Public Policy Office Annual Report.