The AIBS Public Policy Office has released its annual report for 2020. Read about our achievements in science policy.
Highlights include:
- Helped 89 scientists become advocates for science.
- Secured pandemic-related economic relief for non-profit scientific societies and organizations under the CARES Act.
- Secured reversal of a guidance by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) requiring international students to leave the U.S. if they did not participate in in-person instruction during the fall 2020 semester.
- Successfully converted all professional development programs to online versions.
- Provided congressional testimony calling for increased federal investments in science.
- Called on the Office of Science and Technology Policy and the National Science Foundation to make sustained investments to support biodiversity research and education over the next decade.
- Secured inclusion of AIBS recommendations in a congressional report on the climate crisis.
- Endorsed legislation to provide $26 billion in emergency relief funding for federal science agencies.
- Highlighted to NSF the important work scientific associations, including AIBS, led during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Supported call to study systemic racism in academic research.
Read the 2020 Public Policy Office Annual Report.